Thursday, March 15, 2012

All from nothing... (part 5)

Our efforts to transform an unused piece of land into a productive vegetable garden.   

Being back at work has kept us away from the allotment for the last couple of days. That doesn't mean we haven't been busy with it though - for example, Clare sourced some pallets that we'll use to make a compost bin, which I dropped up yesterday. The pallets will be great, but I'll give them a lick of paint to make them more... (ahem)... palatable to the eye.

I can't ignore the place for long though, as we really want to rotovate it on Saturday, and get it producing fruit and veg as soon as is possible. So after work today, I headed over and began to (in the words of Withnail) "Fork it!" 

Clare had already made a good  start to this last weekend, so I took up from where she left off. It was a fairly handy job while compared to turning the sod. The hardest part came in negotiating the fork past rocks embedded in the soil. 

After an hour or two, I had completed the "strip" that I had given myself as a goal. And that was me for the evening.

There's still about half the plot to "fork", hopefully I'll get it done tomorrow. Below is a small picture of how the site looks currently:

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